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    By: Saint-Sam

    Acting can simply be define as a process of acting, the fact remains that we all act both actors or actress and those who are not. In a simpler way, Acting involves our day to day activities.
    Dramatically, acting is define as the process of becoming another character and displaying another person identity on stage on in film production.
    Acting is the backbone, in fact it serve as the background of a successful ministration, a good script or story can turn meaningless, depending on the zeal or lack of good action from the actor or the actress.
    Holy Spirit will give you a good script, but your poor action can either make or mar the script.
    Acting cannot be copy, be yourself
    The beauty of a good story is the best action put into it
    Acting is the father of drama, no acting no drama
    without actor or actress, all the crew members are handicap
    Do not frustrate the effort of the crew, understand your lines
    Do not come on set to recite your lines, internalize your lines
    Do not act to impress other, be real
    Acting involves emotion, express correct emotion.

    We shall be looking into types of acting, but both in Secular and Gospel drama this type of acting is essential.
    Over Act: Over is the process by which an actor or actress act more than the way he or she is supposed to play his or her role. For instance, in the case of a person who just lost his or her love, in the this type of role, it is not important you roll on the ground before you bring out your best action, though rolling on the ground may suit your director, but there are other ways by which you can express your emotional felling in a very best way. It’s not compulsory you shout hearing the bad news but your emotions and your internalization matters in this type of role.  So many secular actor we celebrate today are over acting, they are not acting it well but ignorantly we celebrate them. Brethren, have it in your mind how you will feel personally when such situation happens to you not the action you are to act according to the script.

    Under Act: Under acting is the process by which you fail to bring out your best in the character you are to act, this is mostly common among, actor or actress who have make some particular roles their favorite, when you give them another role they fail woefully because they don’t develop any interest in it. A good actor or actress most be someone who can act any role or become any character at any time, infact you should be able to act unisex role.

    Real Act: This is the kind of actor or actress we can refers to as the best actor or actress, they make things real, they act as if they are the real character in real life, they never allow any distraction or any forms of disturbance, such people will go extra mile to plan or learn how to be the character, they make research on the particular role they are to play.

    Some of the ways to be mention here are some of those things that can help you to become a good actor or actress if you can follow them practically.
    Determine to be the best: I agree that acting is in-built but you can develop yourself to be the best, don’t accept impossibility, “To man it seems it impossible, but through Christ everything are made possible”. Have it in your mind that you want to be the best actor and work towards it, I have discovered that the best way to become a good actor or actress is by making a determination, when you are determine and ready to learn skills and professional ways of acting, you will surely be the best.

    Watch Films: In this aspect, it does not really work for everyone, but I have seen people it really work for. Personally, I just develop appetite in watching, despite the appetite, what I watch in films is not the story line especially when it secular film, because they have nothing good to offer you. But in watching films, you learn how to act well/more, you have new ideals of the character you are planning to act and it will also helps you in learning some technical aspect of film production.

    Have a Mirror: For someone who is planning or aiming to become a good actor or actress most have a standing mirror in his or her room, the reason for this is to helps you stand in front of the mirror and run your lines and see how you will look like while acting it real on stage or in front of camera. A good actor or actress most have taken his or her time to watch his or herself acting the role before coming for the manifestation on stage or in screen.

    Love Rehearsal: The best way to know a good actor or a good actress is that such person will cherish rehearsal, they will never say I will do it on stage, it is called “Dramatical Pride” by me, even God love planning, what you think you can do on stage you should be able to do it for us during rehearsal, so that we little learners can learn from you. don’t be part of those who think to rehearse is a disturbance, though there are times that you may not have time for general rehearsal, but ensure you do your own personally in your room. A good actor or actress will love rehearsals.

    Look Out: This process is the best way ever I can grantee for you that will help you to act well, look out here means, for instance you are to act a mad man or woman, what you need to do is to look out for a mad person in your street, check out the way the mad man display is lunatic. This will help you to put in your best to play the role of a mad man you are about to become on stage or in screen.

    Accept Correction/Fault: When you are been corrected, don’t try to be Mr. or Mrs. Know All, it is called “Pride” and pride is not among the fruit of the spirit, you may have even develop yourself to become a film director, but whenever you are not the one directing and you are been corrected kindly take heed to it, it does not means you are reducing yourself. Learn to accept correction from any area it comes from, “let blame or fault be a stepping stone for your successful performance”.

    Mood Switching: A good actor or actress will not be too rigid that he or she will not be able to switch his or her mood. There are times in a scene that your present mood will leads to laughing or jesting but suddenly a bad news comes up or a bad event happens in the same scene, a good actor or actress should immediately switch his or her action to suit the current emotional needs of the occurrence.
    A: ACT WELL -       Ensure you try all your best to act well {Be the character}
    B: BACKING THE STAGE - A good actor will not back the stage
    C: CONSISTENCE - You must be consistence in your dialogue especially when                                                              it during film production
    D: DEVOTE YOURSELF - Put in all your best and be committed to it
    E: ENCOURAGEMENT- Always encourage yourself to act well
    F: FINDING - Find out your weakness before accepting or taking a role to act
    G: GATHER YOURSELF TOGETHER - Forget about any emotional                                                                                                        disturbance
    H: HASTING - Learn not to always be in haste {Be calm}
    I: IMITATE OTHERS - But never be a good copy and paste personnel
    J: JOTTING - A good Actor/Actress must learn how to write something down especially when you receive any inspiration {you must also know how to write Script}
    K: KNOW your line and have a good knowledge of the character you are about to act
    L: LEARNING - Learning from other good actors and actresses
    M: MANAGEMENT - Management your time, the stage and even your word                                                        {don’t be a talkative}
    N: NEVER GIVE UP - Don't be tired of acting
    O: OINTMENT - Wait on God for the anoint to do exploit
    P: PRAYER - Be a good prayer warrior
    Q: QUOTE- Quote the scripture
    R: RESEARCH & READ profiting books {Make use of Internet}
    S: SPIRITUAL - Your spiritual life must be upright
    T: TRAINING - Always attend Training, Conferences and Seminar about Drama
    U: UNDERSTAND what the Drama itself entails
    V: VOICE OUT - Be audible enough
    W: WATCH FILMS {Develop a good appetite for watching Gospel Films}
    X: XRAYyour action after acting {ask people about your action and examine                                                      yourself}
    Y: YIELD to correction when you are corrected {don’t ever proof too know}
    Z: ZEALOUS - You must be Zealous with acting {Have Passion and Joy for                                            Acting}.  

    Director: Will guide you
    Script-writer: Will give you what to say (dialogue)
    Make-up and Consume Manager: Will make you
    Sound Man (Gaffer): Will record your voice
    Production Manager: Will carry your burden
    Executive Producer: Will finance you
    Editor: Will remove your errors and join your line and action together
    God: Will reward you for doing his work effectively

    The desire of God is to give drama minsters good and inspirational scripts, but it become a heart-cry for God seen us not doing our best to make the work effective.
    NOTE: “Don’t depend on anoint only to act, but develop yourself and train yourself to be the best actor or actress”. God bless you richly

    I’m Lifter Adelabu Samuel T.

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